Mutual Fund Disclaimer

Mutual Fund Disclaimer

Mutual Fund Disclaimer
Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks. Read all scheme related documents carefully.

Mutual Fund Scheme Related Documents
Mutual fund scheme related documents contain important information for investors to consider.

Important Scheme Related Documents
1. Key Information Memorandum (KIM)
2. Scheme Information Document (SID)
3. Statement of Additional Information (SAI)

Key Information Memorandum
KIM is concise version of Scheme Information Document (SID). KIM contains key information that an investor must know before investing in the scheme. It is attached with mutual fund application form.

Scheme Information Document (SID)
Scheme Information Document (SID) contains investment objectives and fund management details along with risk factors among other details.

Statement of Additional Information (SAI)
SAI contain details of Mutual Fund Sponsors, Trustees and AMC key personnel and associates such as Registrars, Custodians, Bankers, Auditors, Legal Counsel.

Make Wise Investment Decisions
Investor has to be aware of risks that are associated with mutual funds. Disclaimer enable investor to make well informed decision on investments.